Friday, April 22, 2016

Movie Review The Huntsmen Winter's War

The Huntsmen Winter's War

This movie was not a let down. It was filled with action as Eric (Chris Hemsworth) battles in this movie along side Sara (Jessica Chastain)it  is very impressive. They are both up against Freya( Emily Blunt) who is the sister of Ravenna (Charilze Theron) the evil Queen who will do anything for power. Even bring out the Powers of Freya her sister who now has freezing powers and becomes just as evil as her sister Ravenna. Freya winds up making her own kingdom and has but one Rule NO LOVE. She believes love is a form of weakness and will not have it around her. Eric and Sara grow up together battling in wars for Freya winning every time. Then as they are older they fall in Love. Freya will not have it and  wreaks havoc on them. Only to find out her sisters mirror is now lost and attempts to recover it for her self  now that's when the movie gets good. So don't miss out on this movie if you like Betrayal,Revenge,Romance,Hope,Strength,heartbreak  & so much more.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fredericksburg Texas Horror

Omg I thought this stuff only existed in movies. I guess I was wrong take a look for yourself. If that doesn't creep you out I don't know what will. Imagine this is in the middle of a beautiful outdoor fleamarket and then you come across this image which is not a little shop it's huge but it's creepy. I know I was freaked out.

Fredericksburg Texas Trade Days
At SunDay Farms

Friday, April 15, 2016

Jungle Book Movie Review

 The Jungle Book Movie, where do I start this movie is super cute we got to see it in 3D which made the experience all the more exciting. There were things popping out at us  through out the movie making you jump and move around in your seat. I know a couple of times I was like blown away in all with the movie. The jungle book had me laughing , sad and tearing up through out the movie it really is an emotional roller-coaster so be warned you might cry.                                    

We thought this was a good movie my family really enjoyed it I think it stayed true to the cartoon Jungle book that we all use to watch back in the day. So what are you waiting around for go get your tickets today you might just fall in love with Mowgli all over again.
Leave a comment if you get to see it and let me know what you think of it.

Captain America Civil War Movie Review

Captain America Civil War 

              out May 6th 

This film was amazing, I have got to give it to (Chris Evans) Captain America and (Robert Downey JR) Iron Man on the performance in this movie. Hands down it was awesome they did a marvelous job its packed with action and comedy. Especially with the introduction of the new Avengers. I also can't fail to mention how (Sarcarlett Johansson) Black Widow had some amazing scenes where she looked awesome!!!                                                                                                                              

Kids if your reading this you have to do your chores and get money to go see Captain America Civil War!!! This move is so worth you doing the dishes, cutting the grass, or washing the the car.Maybe Even babysitting is ok for this movie and don't worry you got time to save this movie it don't release till May 6th. A must see.                                                                                                                                           

Parents if you are wondering if you should take your kids to see this movie YES YES you should Civil war is really a good movie funny, action packed, with great comedy what can I say its the Avengers.  

side note * its 2 hours long but worth it