Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dragon Eggs WTH!

         DRAGON  EGGS.             
Ok I thought I would share this delicious recipe that I mocked from the dinner we had at Medieval Times.

                    I know my kids enjoyed them.

This is how they serve the potatoes  up at Medieval Times.

                                 Yummy so good!
 I  hope you guys try them out and let me know what you think.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Shit Got Real Fast!

The thing about having a 18 year old you never know what to expect. As a female  or a male,this is the age where they become an adult. I guess you can say they try to play by different rules. There are many  emotions  for us Momma's out there.
I think for me it was very emotional cause I have a son, not only did I have to accept the fact that my child is getting older and is now becoming a young man. Which became a little too real two days after his birthday when he received a letter in the mail saying that he was now registered with the US Army in case of a draft. I believe  my heart was in my throat  I swear I  felt my blood pressure go up. My hands were all shaky and of course I was so nervous. My wife was kind enough to calmly  read us the paper and explain to us that it was just a registration process that every 18 year old male has to undergo in the United States. It was just in case of a draft.

Still as a mother I am worried about every new adventure my son decides to adventure on. I Love my children  ,and I will always worry about their safety.

I guess the thing is it hard for me to let go.It just tugs at my heart and leaves me so emotional.  I have 4 kids and all of them are growing up so fast. Just knowing  one of them is 18 years old  and the rest are soon to follow makes me so sad. My babies are growing up.  I know its a part of life and I had to know this was going to happen  some day. I just was expecting it to come so soon. I Love My Family.

Monday, October 19, 2015


What an amazing time! OK..ok... let me break it down for you. I have a son  who turned 18 years old this October. So we wanted to do something really special for him of course it had to be big. He likes history and every aspect of it. He's really into Greek Gods and Ancient Rome. I knew Grease was out of the question for sure! BUT JUST MAYBE he would like to see some Medieval times. As his gift we gave him 3 tickets to the location in Dallas Texas. His face was Priceless he was so surprised. 

  I think it was well worth it.

He got to take a picture with the king and they announced his birthday to everyone at dinner.

A little  preview  of what you will see if you go.
Edited by: Sandra Castro

Thursday, October 15, 2015

DIY for Halloween Boy Or Man

IT'S DIY Time!

Thats right time to get crafty with about 3 cans of foam. You need a board  or something hard  for the base to make a shild. We used 5 wier hangers to make the chestplate ,gray tape and wax paper and one can of metallic silver spray paint and a small can of black paint anlso you will need a small paint brush.

Your going to need to bend and cut everything to your liking. Once you do that then make sure the chestplate fits the person your making it for before you use foam. So do not over bend the side walls because  it will come out to small and will be really bulky when  you put it on. Your going to want to bend and mold it then try it on just to be sure it fits.

Then your going to want to put down wax paper under the chestplate and shild just incase you get foam on the floor. The foam won't stick to wax paper once it is completely dry. Once you put down the wax paper  your ready to foam your items. Try to fill in every hole there is and not make a big mess in the process. 
   For the shild your going to want to trace out your design  and go over it with the foam. This will give you a better understanding of where to foam.

Next your going to want to cut and carve out your design with a knife or exacto knives. Remember to add all the dimensions you want. It makes it makes the items look more real.  Next sand your item down with sand paper very lightly and dust it off really good.

At last your ready to paint  we did the silver spray paint first  then let it dry for an hour. Then we added the black in for highlighting  effects. Also to give it that I've been to battle look.

If you have any questions about the steps feel free to comment below. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fright Fest At SixFlags Fiestatexas 2015

Ok guys if you haven't made it to SixFlags fot their Halloween 2015 fun in the park you have got to go.I took my kids who are all teenagers  and we had a lot of fun from rides to spooky thrills even got in 2 concerts.

If Your worried about having little kids and dont want them to get scard they sell  a glow in the dark necklace that warns the goblins and ghosts and zombies not to get near your children. It cost about 5.00 each but so worth it for the little ones.

The park was nice and not to crowded.You were able to walk around with out bumping into people and the lines weren't too bad. I can proudly  say we had lots of fun as a family .

Oh and just a little  FYI October 16,23,and 30th   any one with a season pass  will be able to get you a ticket for $10.99 only one per pass you have to go as thier guest.

It was fun to see all of the monsters walking around the park.
This concert was nice they even paid tribute to Metallica.

I haven't forgot about blogging

I haven't forgot about blogging  I just sometimes get wrapped up in life. Things come up and time flys. I'm  thinking  I should do a giveaway  to get more followers and regain some of my fans, because I  want to get back into blogging. So stay tuned to my news feed for updates on an upcoming giveaway. I love you all and thanks for reading my post and following me.