Thursday, October 15, 2015

DIY for Halloween Boy Or Man

IT'S DIY Time!

Thats right time to get crafty with about 3 cans of foam. You need a board  or something hard  for the base to make a shild. We used 5 wier hangers to make the chestplate ,gray tape and wax paper and one can of metallic silver spray paint and a small can of black paint anlso you will need a small paint brush.

Your going to need to bend and cut everything to your liking. Once you do that then make sure the chestplate fits the person your making it for before you use foam. So do not over bend the side walls because  it will come out to small and will be really bulky when  you put it on. Your going to want to bend and mold it then try it on just to be sure it fits.

Then your going to want to put down wax paper under the chestplate and shild just incase you get foam on the floor. The foam won't stick to wax paper once it is completely dry. Once you put down the wax paper  your ready to foam your items. Try to fill in every hole there is and not make a big mess in the process. 
   For the shild your going to want to trace out your design  and go over it with the foam. This will give you a better understanding of where to foam.

Next your going to want to cut and carve out your design with a knife or exacto knives. Remember to add all the dimensions you want. It makes it makes the items look more real.  Next sand your item down with sand paper very lightly and dust it off really good.

At last your ready to paint  we did the silver spray paint first  then let it dry for an hour. Then we added the black in for highlighting  effects. Also to give it that I've been to battle look.

If you have any questions about the steps feel free to comment below. 

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