Monday, October 26, 2015

Shit Got Real Fast!

The thing about having a 18 year old you never know what to expect. As a female  or a male,this is the age where they become an adult. I guess you can say they try to play by different rules. There are many  emotions  for us Momma's out there.
I think for me it was very emotional cause I have a son, not only did I have to accept the fact that my child is getting older and is now becoming a young man. Which became a little too real two days after his birthday when he received a letter in the mail saying that he was now registered with the US Army in case of a draft. I believe  my heart was in my throat  I swear I  felt my blood pressure go up. My hands were all shaky and of course I was so nervous. My wife was kind enough to calmly  read us the paper and explain to us that it was just a registration process that every 18 year old male has to undergo in the United States. It was just in case of a draft.

Still as a mother I am worried about every new adventure my son decides to adventure on. I Love my children  ,and I will always worry about their safety.

I guess the thing is it hard for me to let go.It just tugs at my heart and leaves me so emotional.  I have 4 kids and all of them are growing up so fast. Just knowing  one of them is 18 years old  and the rest are soon to follow makes me so sad. My babies are growing up.  I know its a part of life and I had to know this was going to happen  some day. I just was expecting it to come so soon. I Love My Family.

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