Monday, November 9, 2015

Help Him Please!

So today has been hard. I have to do something that's really not the kind of thing I would normally do.

  With that being said you If you know me you know i'm the type of person who loves to help out everyone. I really don't mind helping out when I can,but today is not something I can do fast enough on my own. So I come to you my readers my Family, my friends I am in need of HELP. I have a son who really needs braces they are medically needed and his insurance is not covering the cost of $4000.00. He has been having some real pain lately and we took him to the dentist. He ran x-rays and did the exam and told us Erik will be needing braces as soon a possible. I know the holidays are coming up and most of you guys are living paycheck to paycheck. Believe me we understand we have 4 kids and it has not been so easy.We do the best we can with what we have. Erik is in pain and it just frustrates me that I cant get him the braces my self . I have to ask you guys for help. If you can PLEASE donate to his go fund me account or if you know us personally and would like to help just talk to us. Donating just a $1.00 is something any thing will work. I am really sorry I had to ask for help but Erik's teeth have 2 fangs that are poking him every time he talks or eats and it cuts him. He also has the bottom teeth that are caving in and need to be fixed with braces, also he has a lot of over crowding and a big overbite. the Dentist said his lip shouldn't sink in like that and it needs to be corrected as soon a possible.    
 Just click the link

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