Monday, September 29, 2014

Bling !

So how much do you love to shine. I know some people really love to shine. I'm one of those people. Just look at all the bling in the picture below. I would love to have my house and car look like this but that's just me (LOL) I don't think my partner would be so happy with all the shining crystals. Once I put some bling on her Superman emblem on our car she wasn't mad but she did laugh at me.She was like really.... she's come to expect that kind of thing for me.
Isn't this just amazing
Wow wow wow!
If you guys see any thing that is amazing and has been bling out please post a picture below and comment.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Maybe this will Help

So the perfect snack was right in front of our face the whole time. Grapefruit...yup grapefruit. Did you know that grapefruit can have so many health benefits like helping with asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. I know right ! I was just as amazed to find out my self but now that I know I thought I would share it with you guys to help you out. I have posted a link that I thought had some great information about how grapefruit can benefit you it's just one click away.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Ok so if your anything like me going on the healthy path in life is not so easy. I actually have to drink water instead of soda and that is so difficult. Luckily I discovered this little trick.Just add lemon to your water . Believe me it makes a world of difference water can be so yucky at times, but with the lemon it taste so much better besides there so many benefits to drinking lemon in your water. Click the link below to find out what the  benefits are. I hope you guys try this out let me know what you think.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Getting started on a working out routine oh my gosh it could be so tiring. Getting used to it  could be so difficult because I'm telling you today I just wasn't into it. I woke up not feeling well . Then to top it off  today was the day me and my partner chose to start our healthy life style. We are going to get a little workout in or walk / run more hopefully I'll be shedding some pounds soon .Everyday im going to  push through it and see what I can do so with that being said I hereby challenge you to take the same challenge and try to work out 3 to 4 times a week on your time when you're ready push yourself see what you can do. your sitting there doing nothing just playing on the internet. Well why not take that time to work out? I know you think who cares? Why should I im to tired I don't feel like it. There are plenty of reasons so many health benefits don't you want to stay alive longer don't you want to be healthier and stronger. Sometimes in this life you have to be your own motivation.  So GO GET IT

Here's a 15 workout to help you get started. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Monster Dilly!!!

Ok guys you asked for it so I'm going to tell you where to get the Monster Dilly from. But first let me describe it to you ok it has shaved ice on the bottom layer then it has a layer of what looks to be some kind of strawberry frozen ice then it has gummy bears pickles sour belts  chomoy and Chinese candy green and brown. That is just some of what goes into this awesome drink.
Yes I know your mouth is watering by now right you just want the directions okay I'm going to hook you up right now just keep reading.( Lol )

Culebra Meat Market #29
4743 Rigsby Avenue San Antonio Texas 78222  (210) 648-0537

Monster Dilly  32oz.  $7.00

Don't Forget!

Hi everyone , how are you today? Todays blog is just going to be a reminder. A reminder that you need to remember to take time for the people in your life that you love. Whether it be your friends, your sisters, and brothers, or your parents or maybe even  your grandparents who ever it is take time to tell them you love them.   
   Spend the day with them if you can. Maybe invite them for dinner. Watch a movie with them just make that time.
You may never know what a difference you make in this persons life. You may just truly make this persons day.

I was so excited to get to spend some time with my little brother and sister yesterday. We didn't do much, we just  
Hung out at the mall and grabbed a snak at Momma Margies talked and laughed alot. It was much needed for all of us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Luscious Lips!

Don't you just love having fabulous lips? Thats why you should always wear lipstick or lip gloss to make your lips pop. I know I love having lip stick on when I go out just cause it makes me feel like I put some kind of effort in getting ready.

I think this matted lip cream is so beautiful and it smells like cake.  It makes my lip feel so soft and it never tuns dry or cracks. 
Here is the samples of all the colors they have.

This is the color I love to use Smlc10.
I just love the Red lip look! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Crusty toes!!!! Girl you know it time!

   How many times have you put off wearing sandals because you just don't feel like spending all that money at the salon to get  a pedicure done. Well you don't have to waste all that money ladies all you have to do is grab some nail polish then go on YouTube look at some tutorials and do your best.
Now I have learned that you can get some really amazing deals on little jewels or gems off of the internet on eBay or Amazon you can get little flowers decals. Anything you need for a manicure or pedicure you can find on eBay or Amazon. You can even find nail stamp kit that makes designing your nails so much easier and they will  look professional.

Just look under nail stamp art for this look.
If you decide to go ahead and do a pedicure on yourself please, comment below and post a picture let me know how that turns out for you. Good Luck

Friday, September 12, 2014

DIY Beauty tips

For all my beautiful blog readers I thought that I would share with you some advice for 14  tips I found over the weekend.
Some of these ideas are really great and helpful ,thrifty easy to come by go ahead and click the link below and find out if you can use any of these tips to help you.

If you have ever done any of these ideas please go ahead and comment below let me know how that worked out for you. Maybe another reader can be more informed and like the idea and try it themselves. I know that I have personally use olive oil as makeup remover and I like how it works.
  I cant wait to try the face mask and tooth whitening recipe . Don't forget to comment below and let me know what your favorite one is out of the 14 listed above is.

Always be your self! 

Follow me on my New social media accounts

Hi guys so it's a rainy day and yes I got bored also trying to look for new ways to promote my blog. I decided to open a Pinterest and Tumbler account so if you want to follow just click the likn below.

Which i think is a good idea because it occasionally I'll run a contest or a giveaway just to keep things fun.
Also keep an eye out for my YouTube channel coming soon.
Ps. To all my readers if you got an idea out there that you want me to blog about just leave a comment and I'll see what I can do. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog appreciate it and Don't forget to follow me on my blog page.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Watch your back!

Ok how many times have we gone to the store and had to deal with some kind of crazy stranger standing over you when you bust out your debit card to pay your transaction. I know this has happened to me one to many times at Walmart and HEB. It just feels like thier just waiting to see you push that pin number in and then rob you in the parking lot. It's an eerie crazy feeling but seems like things are just getting worse. You really have to watch your back now and take extra precautionary steps just to protect yourself. So if you're reading this blog you should really take a look at this video (push the link to see video) because it will shock you be careful out there you never know who's looking.
Even your house and cars are no longer going to be safe .

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Have you ever been ready for bed and exhausted beyond your means. Then when you finally start to fall asleep you hear this loud sound that startles you makes you wake up and check the house see if someone's in there....and most of the time you think its some crazy killer in your house coming to get you.

It might be a disorder called Exploding Head. I know I had never herd of this before but my partner had came across it and I read up on it. I thought that was crazy cause it happens to me from time to time. Not that there's a cure for it or anything I just thought I'd make some of you aware of this crazy sleep disorder. Anyway after this happens I never get good sleep. I'll toss and turn the rest of the night.

This is the link:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Simple Nails and glitter!

      Tired of your nails looking boring ?Do you just get bored with the color after 2 days? Well if you're anything like me you're changing your nail color every 2 to 3 days but I gotta tip for you more like a trick for you.

       How to make your boring nails sparkle with joy. Using glitter add glitter to your nails for an amazing effect. Your nails will look totally different.  All you have to do is apply it. You can paint your nails any color you want whether it's a metallic color or a regular color let the colors dry completely after they are dried you can go ahead and add on the first layer of your glitter nail polish. After that if you wanted to add a another color of glitter nail polish you can go ahead and do so at this time but don't forget you want it end with a super shiny finish for top coat you want to let it completely dry which may take a while because you're adding so many layers before doing anything. Your nails are going to come out super beautiful.
        Another method I like to do is with the solid colors is use the sponge effect to bring in the different shades. Then put two different colored glitter nail polishes on and a super shine finish for top coat and it comes out so beautiful. Extra shiny and eye catching.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Cake cake cake

Sometimes you just gotta step out of your comfort zone and do what you got to do. I know that I'm not a professional baker but I do love a good challenge when it comes to baking. So if you read my blog you know that my daughters 16th birthday just recently passed. We did not have a big celebration  on that day since her birthday was during the week.I wanted to do something special for her so I made her a cake. It was just going to be for the family anyway so I made something small I thought that it was a really cute idea.

All I needed for this was a really large cardboard to put the cupcakes on . Then you need 2 boxes of cake mix cause you need to make at least 36 cupcakes. After that you're going to want to have a nice frosting to decorate with maybe a couple of ribbon and buttons. You're going to want to frost them like roses so make sure you have the tips for that.

Here's an example of what I made and it was really easy it took hardly any time at all I suggest you give it a try. And I'm even putting the pictures that I download it off the internet so that I could get an idea of what I wanted two make.

The Zoo in San Antonio

                               The Zoo  

            Every time my family and I go we always have such a good time. We get to see so many thing and learn about them to. It's a lot of fun for kids of all ages I know I have older kids and they love going to the zoo.

It's not bad pricing only $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for kids and I believe there is special for senior citizen.

But don't take my word for it you'll just have to come and see for your self.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Rainy Day Good or Bad???

Ok so a little something about me I love rainy days.. I know some people get a little crazy when it rains and depressed but not me I love driving going out in the rain, and just being outside is so much fun I'll find any excuse to go outside in the rain.
         I think its funny cause me and my partner Rosanna love rainy days. I also have two children that would love to play outside every time it rains and I have two children that act like they're melting if the rain even touches them.
Over all the rain will never stop or bring this family down .
        One of the things I love the most is when we get to cuddle up on the couch and just be lazy on rainy days and all the kids love spending time together and watching movies.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Birthdays ....

Birthdays of course they come every year but it seems like time is flying by. Today was such a special day for me and my daughter she turned16. Of Course everyone knows this is a special time in your life everyone's getting older more privileges soon she'll be driving oh my gosh time is goong by so fast. Just seems like yesterday she was born and playing with dolls and going to kindergarten and now she's in high school taking college classes she's doing so much . All I can say is that me and Rosanna are so proud of her all of her accomplishments . Happy Birthday Baby Girl and remember me and Rosanna are behind you 100%