Monday, September 8, 2014

Cake cake cake

Sometimes you just gotta step out of your comfort zone and do what you got to do. I know that I'm not a professional baker but I do love a good challenge when it comes to baking. So if you read my blog you know that my daughters 16th birthday just recently passed. We did not have a big celebration  on that day since her birthday was during the week.I wanted to do something special for her so I made her a cake. It was just going to be for the family anyway so I made something small I thought that it was a really cute idea.

All I needed for this was a really large cardboard to put the cupcakes on . Then you need 2 boxes of cake mix cause you need to make at least 36 cupcakes. After that you're going to want to have a nice frosting to decorate with maybe a couple of ribbon and buttons. You're going to want to frost them like roses so make sure you have the tips for that.

Here's an example of what I made and it was really easy it took hardly any time at all I suggest you give it a try. And I'm even putting the pictures that I download it off the internet so that I could get an idea of what I wanted two make.

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