Monday, September 22, 2014


Getting started on a working out routine oh my gosh it could be so tiring. Getting used to it  could be so difficult because I'm telling you today I just wasn't into it. I woke up not feeling well . Then to top it off  today was the day me and my partner chose to start our healthy life style. We are going to get a little workout in or walk / run more hopefully I'll be shedding some pounds soon .Everyday im going to  push through it and see what I can do so with that being said I hereby challenge you to take the same challenge and try to work out 3 to 4 times a week on your time when you're ready push yourself see what you can do. your sitting there doing nothing just playing on the internet. Well why not take that time to work out? I know you think who cares? Why should I im to tired I don't feel like it. There are plenty of reasons so many health benefits don't you want to stay alive longer don't you want to be healthier and stronger. Sometimes in this life you have to be your own motivation.  So GO GET IT

Here's a 15 workout to help you get started. 

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